Information for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals working in the Birmingham Eye Emergency Department.
*Please read the legal disclaimer and privacy policy before proceeding*
For any neuro-ophthalmology queries during the weekdays from 9am to 6pm, the neuro-ophthalmology fellows in Queen Elizabeth (QE) Hospital can be contacted for advice if necessary. They can be contacted by getting in touch with QE hospital switchboard and asking for the neuro-ophthalmology fellow on-call. Following the advice, they may sometimes take over the patient and be sent to QE hospital for further management.
As we have no neuro-ophthalmology consultants around, please contact the neuro-ophthalmology services in QE Hospital for advice during working hours or consultant on call after working hours and weekends. Please continue to follow the specific neuro-ophthalmology guidelines.
Please follow this protocol in referring patients to QE Hospital.
It is mandatory to document in Unity for every patient that is sent urgently from eye casualty to other specialties in City Hospital/ admitted under medics. This is to ensure adequate urgent hand over to other specialties in the hospital that do not use medisoft. To do this in Unity, click on to the patient's name, then documentation (on the left hand side of the panel), click add and choose ophthalmology note. This can then be copied/pasted from Medisoft to the free text in Unity.
Relevant Guidelines:
Temporal Artery Biopsy Guidance
For TIA/Stroke Referrals, please check the patient's local hospital postcode then follow the pathways as below:
Guidelines (TIA Referral Pathway)
• Any patient with suspected stroke / acute onset homonymous hemianopia (HH) – contact stroke team (bleep 6020) or switchboard for advice.
• Retinal arterial occlusion / incidental homonymous hemianopia – refer to TIA clinic
• Do not need a formal visual field tests if HH is clinically apparent on confrontational test
• **IMPORTANT to put your (referrer) contact details appropriately for feedback**
• **Please copy and paste medisoft information on UNITY and send a copy with the referral**
• TIA referral forms as above – email based on patient’s main hospital (postcode):
• For patients from other trusts:
UHB Trust: See attached form/email (*please contact their oncall team before referral - details in the
Dudley Group: See attached form/email
Worcestershire: See attached form/email
Walsall / Wolverhampton: See attached form/